Worried about how much money other people make? Me neither

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I cannot seem to go a day without browsing the Internet and seeing idiots debate about how much other people should be compensated. An issue that has been of great focus lately is whether or not fast food workers deserve the $15 an hour wage that they're demanding. And it pisses me off, because everybody is wrong. Well, except for me. Here's an example of how people don't know how to construct a well-thought argument.

Hey Jennifer, how about instead of being a bitch, be helpful? Instead of undermining the skills of fast food workers, and calling them "lazy" and "failures", how about you help them accomplish their goal? Here's an idea: If you work in fast food, and want to make more than $15 an hour, move to Dickinson, North Dakota. I was there this summer, every fast food place I saw was hiring at $17 an hour. Jobs are in such high demand that there are piles of boxes lying around Wal-Mart because they don't have enough people to stock shelves.

There we go. *dusts hands* Problem solved.

But this is besides the point, Jennifer. While I am not sure that everyone that works in fast food deserves $15 an hour (more on that in a second), I am concerned, because you appear to make your argument based on hatred[1]. Who are you to determine what fast food work is "designed" for, and who should be working those jobs? If you ask me, that's up for a McDonald's store owner to decide. Nobody is "failing" for working in fast food. Maybe that's the worker's life choice based on their circumstances. Maybe that type of work is the best that they can do, or maybe it's the only work that's available to them. Maybe it's an entry-level job, and they plan on working in corporate, or buying their own store someday. Who are you to set standards for other people? I guess if everyone lived up to your standards, we would all have stupid kids, wear too much makeup, and post hideous pictures of ourselves on Facebook.

[1]Just my speculative opinion, but I'm guessing the two main reasons why Jennifer doesn't want fast food employees to get a raise is because the thought of burger flippers catching up to her in pay makes her insecure, and also because she doesn't want to pay more money to stuff her face with french fries (which I wouldn't blame her). Her military argument is a sad attempt at pandering.

Has it ever occurred to you, Jennifer, that some of the people that work in fast food might not be eligible for military service? They might have bad eyes, flat feet, a mental disability, or any other medical ailment that the military might decline them for. One of my best friends was set to become a Marine out of high school until a mountain biking accident snapped his shin, and his military career was over before it started. People probably get rejected, or discharged, from the military more often than you think, Jennifer. Perhaps, for some, flipping burgers is the best option at this point in their life. Some of these workers may not have had access to quality education, scholarships, or other entry-level jobs. Of course, you probably didn't think about any of this, because it appears that thinking, to you, is a bothersome chore. It's much easier for you to simply spew hate-mongering bullshit.

Furthermore, I think it's ridiculous to compare fast food workers to military personnel simply because a lot of people in the military make around $15 an hour (sometimes less). Maybe people in the military dreamed of being in the army, or maybe it's their best option. Perhaps they're in the military for the benefits, discipline, and college money that they will earn when they get out. I highly doubt that people that enter the military do it strictly for the money, because the job of blowing up terrorists does not pay that well. Nobody has ever thought "How can I make a shit load of money? I know, I'll become a solider!"

On top of that, these McDonald's employees have every right to strike and negotiate. Not that I agree with the idea that fast food employees deserve $15 an hour. I most certainly think that employee pay should be on a case-by-case basis. As I stated earlier, fast food in North Dakota is paying well because labor is in high demand, the restaurants in Dickinson simply need more employees to meet customer satisfaction. However, a McDonald's in a suburban town that has dozens of applications on file can afford to pay workers less because if someone is unhappy with their wages, the store manager knows that there is a line of people ready to fill that void.

How about this rule: Unless you're a frequent fast food customer, work in fast food, or own stock in one of the companies, mind your own business. Because those are really the only people that matter in this discussion. I couldn't really care less what other people make or do with their lives. However, I can tell you that price increases on fast food would likely discourage me from buying fast food. Seeing people post memes and articles talking about how the price of a Big Mac would "only" increase by $.68 cents if all workers got paid $15 an hour enrages me so hard that I want to break a car with my fists like in those bonus stages in Street Fighter II.

Hey dickheads, that extra $.68 cents matters. You're assuming that every McDonald's customer is going to find price increases acceptable. If you advocate for a price increase on fast food for the sake of the poor employees making a "reasonable" wage, you're casually forgetting that you're hurting poor people who may rely on cheap food to get by. People who barely make ends meet, hungry homeless people, or anyone else that's desperate might find difficulty paying an extra sixty eight cents for a deluxe burger. Also, not everyone is going to be okay with paying a little extra for a shitty cheeseburger just so that the workers can get a raise. Some people will decide that the cheeseburger isn't worth it. Some people will think "Why should I pay $5 for a Big Mac when I can get a much better burger for $8 down the street?"

McDonald's isn't alone, either. People said the same thing about companies like Wal-Mart and Papa John's. To say that customers of McDonald's, Wal-Mart, and Papa John's should "just pay a little more" to help out the employees who make and deliver the food is a complete insult. It's suggesting that the customers don't do enough, and suggests that they have some sort of moral responsibility to help better society. People don't buy things to help society. People buy things to make themselves happy. When I go to Jack in the Box at 3 AM after a night of drinking, I'm not thinking "Great! The woman behind the counter will be able to afford to buy her child school clothes". I'm thinking "I can't wait to eat this delicious bacon cheeseburger so that I can regret it in twelve hours". Anyone that says "I'm going shopping today to help stimulate the economy and to make sure that people are employed" is a fucking moron. Nobody has a moral responsibility to pay more for products for the sake of others.

Worrying about how much money strangers make, and what strangers do with their lives, is a waste of time. If you're focused on what other people do, then you're not focusing on yourself enough. Worrying about what other people do makes you a nosy bitch, like Jennifer Harris.

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